PawSwapby Pawthereum
A decentralized exchange where fees go to charities chosen by the community
Good for ProjectsPawSwap accumulates token taxes in the blockchain's native token which reduces a project's sell pressure
Good for UsersProjects attract users to PawSwap by offering lower tax rates so that the project can minimize sell pressure on their charts
Good for CharitiesPawSwap makes it easy for users to donate their tax rate savings to thousands of charities and causes that matter to them
Take Token Taxes in BNB or ETHPawSwap accumulates token taxes in the blockchain's native token so you do not need to sell your token on your chart!
No Additional Liquidity RequiredPawSwap works with your existing BNB or ETH liquidity pool! No need to come up with a massive amount of tokens in order to list on PawSwap
Trend by Giving